The Wonderful World of Faye

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Who Are you?

Who Are you?

Who are you?
Underneath all of this
Hunk of metal
Surrounding your body
And yet, not your soul?
Perhaps, is it?
Why are you so sad?
For you are as free as a dove
Who wanders the earth like a poor, old soul who
Is lost forever and
Can not find his way home
Trying his way home
Pitiful, perhaps?
Depressed, that might be?
Sometime, my friend, someday
You will find the answer and someday, my friend,
You will find yourself
And I will lead you home
For all shall discover your
True Self
And that lies underneath the flesh.
The shell will be unlocked
Once more by hidden angels
Who walk the earth by
The answer is locked within
Your soul
So I asked gently
Who are you
While we slept
Into the night.

This poem reminds us that in life, we may not know who we are from deep within with or without disabilities. Everyone feels lost from time to time. Therefore, we go on a search to seek the truth out. For the truth lies from deep within you, but if you don’t face your challenges or yourself, then how can you live life? Don’t fear it, but live it! I am here to help and solve these everyday challenges.


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